Amulet coin to attract money and luck

In difficult, crisis times, people need psychological support so that they do not lose ground under their feet. Thus, an ordinary coin is an amulet that is available to everyone and, according to esotericists, has the ability to give its owner wealth, ensure career advancement and protect against financial fraud.

Chinese coin to attract money

The history and meaning of the money amulet

Since ancient times, the coin has been a universal amulet for attracting money: medieval European merchants, particularly charmed, put it in their wallets or wore it on a chain like a pendant. In different countries of the world, the most powerful "money bait" was considered the first coin earned by a person - they did not spend it, but carefully kept it and even inherited it together with the family business.

However, the properties of an amulet in the form of a coin are not limited to ensuring financial well-being:

  • helps the owner to succeed in the professional field, ensures rapid career advancement and, therefore, a decent salary;
  • protects the wallet from pickpockets, the house from thieves, and the business from ruin;
  • helps pay off debts.

How to make an amulet with your own hands

The coin can be turned into a talisman that will absorb your energy and gain additional protective power:

  1. Prepare a coin, a green piece of cloth, a candle and a ball of woolen thread of the same color. According to beliefs, green things attract money to the house, because they symbolize fertility, fresh shoots.
  2. Find out when the moon will grow (there is an idea that your income will increase with the growth of the moon).
  3. Try to keep the pre-selected coin in your hand more often (it should be saturated with your energy).
  4. On the day of the growing moon, put a green cloth on the window, put a coin on it and light a candle. Read the following words over the fire: "As the moon grows, money comes, as the moon fills, I accumulate wealth. As they say, it will come true! ".
  5. Put a drop of wax on the coin and wrap it with a woolen thread so that you can hang it at the entrance of the house or around the neck.

Coin selection

An amulet for luck and wealth can be made from any coin or bill, but there are rules that will help you choose the best amulet to attract financial flows:

  • amulet can be made only from real money;
  • a coin found on the street will be a talisman if the "eagle" sleeps and is picked up by the growing moon;
  • Lucky Chinese coins with a hole in the center;
  • a coin left over from a successful transaction or the first salary is the most powerful money talisman.

Attention! Coins with scratches, chips are not suitable for making an amulet for financial well-being. Cracks break the element's energy cocoon. Dishonored money won't work either.

Amulet cleaning and filling

You can fill the amulet with the help of Fire and Water, because these elements have the ability to wash and burn negative energy.


  • candle, candlestick;
  • pottery with spring water.


  • Draw a circle and stand facing north.
  • Accordingly, east is on the right, west is on the left, and south is behind.
  • A candle in the candlestick should be placed on the south side, and an earthen pot with water should be placed on the north side.
  • A coin chosen as a talisman is placed in the center of the circle.

Ritual progression:

  1. Cleansing with the element of fire. To do this, you need to take a candle and drip wax on the coin, reading the plot: "Fire is light and light. Fire is bright energy, a symbol of transformation. Fire is the power of the soul. With this sacred fire, I purify money and give them the power of a powerful element: the power to destroy and create obstacles, a pebble fire directed against anyone who wants spiritual insight, prosperity, prosperity and evil for the implementation of financial plans. to the owner of the amulet. I bless the coin with the power of Fire! "
  2. Cleansing with water element. Dip the fingers of your right hand into a bowl of water and sprinkle the coin with it, reading the plot: "Water is characterized by its fluidity and changeability. Water gives peace and protection, dissolves negative energies. Water is the power of emotions. With drops of living spring water, I bestow the coin with gifts: flexibility, profitabilitydecision-making ability, business intuition I bless the coin with the power of Water!

Now you need to fill the amulet for prosperity: for this you need to walk in a circle with a candle in hand, reading a special plot.

Don't forget! You can only move in a counterclockwise circle.

Conspiracy text:

"On the roads - in the passages, on the paths - on the roads, you, a coin, rolled behind me, went everywhere with me, went out to closed doors and unlocked those gates. As soon as the fire ignites, as the pockets are filled with gold, until morning that candle will go out, save me from lack of money. You, coin, come after me and shine, open the way to prosperity! Let it be so! "

Conspiracies of the grandmother in the coin amulet


A mirror conspiracy made on the full moon attracts others to a lucky coin.

How to:

  1. Choose a suitable coin, hold it in your hand, saturating it with your energy, and place it in a circular mirror so that it is reflected in it.
  2. At night, leave the mirror with the amulet on the window so that the object is illuminated by the full moon.
  3. Say the conspiracy three times: "As money turns into money, the moon turns into heaven. Like a mother - the moon is full, so money is full of money. Word, key, lock.


For this ancient ritual, you will need a halved walnut shell, a green candle and a silver coin. The coin is placed in the shell and filled with wax so that you get a whole nut. During the sealing, a plot is read:

"From money to money, everything is with me, so be it! "

Repeat 3 times.

fiat ruble

This is a talisman carried in the wallet "for carrying money". It can be any coin you want, spoken in a special way, but it is better to take an ordinary ruble. Putting it on the windowsill, it needs to be filled with the energy of the growing moon, which increases its earnings. Then a conspiracy is read in the ruble:

"But even if I give or exchange a coin, the fiat ruble will increase my wealth. As money turns to money, as the moon turns to heaven! So be it! "

In the morning, the fiat coin is placed in the wallet so that it does not come into contact with other coins. It cannot be shown to anyone, lost, given or spent!

With a green candle

For the ceremony, it is necessary to drip the ruble with wax counterclockwise, and a conspiracy begins on it:

"Green grass stretches to the sun, pours juice. So my wallet is filled with money, rings, floods. So be it! "

(keep the coin with you after the ritual and do not show it to anyone).

Chinese coins to attract wealth

You can buy perforated coins imported from China in souvenir shops. According to Feng Shui teachings, to attract prosperity, 5 or 9 coins are bought, tied with a red thread with knots tied for good luck. Such a talisman hangs at the entrance to the house.

You can fill coins with the help of water element. To do this, you need to put them in earthen pots with spring water and talk (you can find the text yourself or use the example):

"Just as water fills a vessel, my house will be a full vessel. As water flows, money flows to me.

Read as many coins as you have.

Finally, remember: for talismans and amulets made of coins to work, you need to believe in their magical power. Yes, and such a purchase will definitely not happen again. To express the proverb we can say:

"The protection coin saves the ruble".

Good luck!